My First Marathon – Finally
This journal starts today, writing about how I will finally run my first Marathon. It has been years running, intermittent due work, travel, others and I must include procrastination.
11 years ago, I run my first 10K race, with my best recorded time 50:50, and 10 years ago my first half marathon with a neat 1:59:50. In other words it has been 10 years in multiple attempts to get in shape for running a marathon. Well, it is time to start again, but this time I will run it.
Time has been set, February 28th 2021, at the Publix Atlanta Marathon
I will be following Hal Higdon’s 18-week Marathon training , so my official starting week will be October 26th. The table shows the distances in kilometers and miles, and the training week contemplates 4 running days and one extra day for other type of activities (trekking, walking, biking, stand up paddling, etc), and I will be also updating it with the activities and pace on each training day.
There is a lot of people to thank here for motivating me and encouraging me to do it. To name a few: Marcos Nicolaides, Iliana Mauri, Barbara Silva, Iron Cowboy , and others. I have also to include here Baggual , supporting me all the way.
From now until the official training begins, I will be running at the current cadence I have of 5.6 miles from Tuesday to Thursday and extra millage on Saturdays and Sundays.
Keep tunned!
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Barbara Silva
November 16, 2020
Me gusta, vamos que se puede! Ya tienes el plan, ahora lo importante es “sigue el plan”, es fácil decirlo pero en mi caso es lo que más me cuesta! Me cuesta mantener El Paso que se supone debería seguir, tiendo a querer correr siempre con “todo” y terminar cada entrenamiento “muerta”… de a poco he aprendido que hay una razón para correr (sobretodo el largo de la semana) a la ritmo adecuado (más lento que los entrenamientos cortos)… 🏃🏻